80s toys - Atari. I still have

The world “computer” derives from the Greek word “COMPUTE” Which means to Calculate.At first The COMPUTER was invented for the purpose of first Calculating hense . It was also called as “CALCULATOR” . Computer process data So it is also called as “DATA PROCESSER” . This History of computer started about 3000Bc by the CHINESE with a machine called “ ABACUS “ .Next NAPIER invented the “NAPIER BONES“
Formula that was use to solve multiplications third addition , after wards basic pascal a Freanch Scientist invented calculation machines , which was first mechanical adding machines ,By following these parsons invented different type of calculating machines . “CHARLS BABBAGE” a professor at CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY is considered to be invented diffential engine capable of Calculating,Printing table of function which is the foundation for present day computer and his assistant was “LADY ADA LOVELACE” ,Who was the first Computer programmer.

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